Week 11: Information Technology Used in Customer Relations/Services

A business is responsible for many tasks. With the low overhead cost of technology, companies defer some simple customer service task to automation. Customer support, specific product design and step by step processes are used by businesses to increase employee efficiency and convenience to the customer.

Customer support can be automated. Many different types of organizations from university libraries to large corporations use this method. These programs are designed to answer simple questions so the salaried salesperson can focus on higher end and specific customer questions.
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Product customization is a lucrative part of a business. Potential customers can design a company's product that a business can charge at a high margin. With the right software in place, you can custom design a Ford Mustang, put your number on new Nike shoes or many other cool features customers can enjoy.
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Many customers have negative opinions on your product because they may not be using the product in its most effective way. Walkthrough videos and demonstrations offer a step by step process to a consumer that they can watch at anytime. The company does not need to send a representative to help troubleshoot as an effective video would answer that question.

As we go further in to the 21st century, technology and business will become further intertwined. Minor tasks can be outsourced to technology and companies can become more profitable this way.


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